It's been a struggle, but I have been trying to keep up with this blog as best I can. This semester has been one of my most challenging yet, but I know God will give me the strength to get through the rest of it. Microbiology is hands down the toughest class...I really feel for all the men and women in this class who are wanting to be nurses. It's not an easy career choice! Watching shows like Discovery Health shows the exciting and dramatic experiences a nurse faces, but we rarely see the tedious aspects of this field.
Besides school, my family life is going on as normal. Today we are celebrating my grandma's 82nd birthday, and I am excited to share this special day with her. (Her birthday was actually on Tuesday, but weekend parties are so much more fun, don't you think?) I admit that I haven't had as much time to devote to my piano practicing, but I am hoping that will change once school is over. I admire the determination of my younger brother and sisters, Matt, Rachel, and Melissa, who diligently practice every day! Matt especially enjoys the piano- right now he is trying very hard to learn Pachelbel's Canon in D, and he is coming along beautifully with that. Once he sticks to something, he doesn't quit! I am also enjoying the cooler weather. Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year, and I'm looking forward to the leaves changing color soon. I love curling up in a chair, all wrapped up in a warm robe, sipping cappuchino or some other hot drink, while reading a good book.
I don't believe I've ever shared on this blog what I am wanting to do after college and why I would like to do so. Currently I'm trying to get into a dental hygiene program at my school. Now, I wasn't always interested in the dental field. In fact, I used to be adamantly against a career like that, considering I wasn't always too keen on the sciences. I used to want to be a teacher to the younger grades, but over time I felt that God was closing that door for me. After many long talks with my parents, particularly my mom, I was feeling drawn to some part of the medical field. My mom used to be an occupational therapist, and had at one point considered dental hygiene. So instead of viewing this field as a closed door, I started to seriously think and pray if God wanted me to pursue this.
At the time I was 16, and about to start my junior year in highschool. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I really was interested in dental hygiene, and amazingly, God brought to my attention a community college only 30 minutes away from me that had just opened a brand new program for dental hygiene students! When I went to an orientation meeting at the college that acquainted potential students with the program, the rooms weren't even finished, but I was becoming more and more excited about this field after learning more about it.
Missions is also another area that I am greatly interested in. Through my church, I learned about Christian dental groups that would go to foreign countries to not only help the people with their physical needs, but with their spiritual needs as well. The pieces for me were finally beginning to all come together. I was interested in dental hygiene, and I could go on mission trips as a dental hygienist to help needy people!
I have to admit that I was very disappointed when I didn't get in the first time I applied, but applications are being accepted right now. You can be sure that I sent mine in so it would get to the office the very first day!
I have to careful in many areas though. I appreciate your prayers as I seek the Lord's direction for each of these.
- I continually find myself planning my life and immediately assuming that this is God's will for me. I have to remember that I am not in the dental hygiene program yet, and God might be leading me in a different direction entirely if I don't get in.
- I tend to get discouraged and anxious when I think about my future, instead of resting in the Lord.
- I need to learn to let my plans go, instead of using them as my life manual. "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."-Prov 16:9
Finally, I would like to say that I am so thankful for a family who has been supportive of this dream of mine. They encourage me when I am feeling down, and help fix my eyes on Jesus when I have them fixed on myself. I love all of them so much. My parents have been Godly examples to me, and I am blessed with 4 younger brothers and sisters who make me laugh and smile when I don't feel like it.
I've been repeating the chorus of this beautiful hymn to myself whenever I feel that I am losing focus on what is truly important.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
What have all of you been up to? I would love to hear from you!
God bless,
Praying for you dear. I know at times things get discouraging, but don't give up! If God wants you to do this than He will see to it that you do. :-)
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 is all that came to mind as I read this. And it will all come together for you, Sara, by and by, in the Lord's time. A very sweet heartfelt post and I especially appreciate your words about your family.
Hi Sara,
I love that chorus! And I need prayer in the same areas...I'll be praying for you!!
And YES! School is so BUSY!
I pray that God will give you all of the desires of your heart, dear! And I know Micro is really hard - I will be praying that God will give you that clarity of mind that you need.
Hey Sara! Sounds like you are in for a busy season. May God give you the clear direction that you seek. Letting go of our plans and resting in God for our future is always a challenge. I've been looking for a part-time job and thought a couple times that something was just *perfect*, only to be disappointed when it didn't come through...But God knows...we can always trust His heart.
You're a sweetie for leaving me comments, thank you. It's great to hear about your special family and your grandma turning 82...they are priceless!
Sara, I struggle withe the same things! Even in my first semester of college I feel overwhelmed, and wonder how I'm ever going to make it into graduate school! I will definitely pray for you in these areas. Thanks for a great post...I love your thankfuls. :-)
I love that pretty song. And your picture of the leaves is lovely.
My daddy used to sell x-ray film, chemical and accessories, and thought an occupation in physical therapy would be good. But I was just not interested in anything to do with hospitals!
Keeping your eyes on Jesus is a good thing to do, and He will direct your paths.
I have tagged you on my blog Way too Bored.. :-D
I've missed reading your blog Sara..and what a joy to find such a heart moving post today. With the sincere, humble heart of yours..GOD will lead you. Patiently wait on him..as you have.
I love Pachelbel's Cannon in D! Glad your brother has sticktoitness..my daughter determinded, taught herself the guitar in one year.
By the way..that determined young woman became a NURSE.
Your desire is so special Sara..to know that in the dental field is a mission work also is so awesome. My daughter has many opportuntities to magnify the LORD. You certainly will in this work also as the LORD wills.
An open heart for HIS will always...brings peace.
I'll be praying for you, as I recall my daughter and her tedious studies in nursing.
Thank you sooo much for being an encouging young person with love for the LORD shining through from your heart! It blesses me.
I just saw your birthday is January 19...
mine is January 21st!!! ;)
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