Dear Dental Hygiene Applicant,
Congratulations! This letter is to inform you that you have been accepted into the Dental Hygiene Program beginning Fall semester, 2009. Our classes commence on Wednesday, September 2. Your projected date of graduation is May 2011. We look forward to welcoming you into the Dental Hygiene Program.
Yes, it happened! Thursday I got a letter from my college, and as I anxiously opened it, I had already prepared myself for the worst. But...I only had to read the first word, "Congratulations", and I went running and screaming to tell everyone the good news. My sisters gave me bewildered expressions as I came hopping in to show my letter, although I'm sure they already knew what I had just found out.
It was very hard waiting to find out the news, but it was so worth the wait! I have to admit that in these past few weeks, I have not trusted God as I should have been. I would toss and turn at night, wondering about my future and what God was doing with it. Instead of "being anxious for nothing", I was scared and worried. Thankfully there were many people (including my family) who were being positive and encouraging. So many dear friends continued to let me know they were praying for my acceptance into the program. I truly believe that this was one of the main reasons I got in.
Even though this was my second time applying, I am not in the same county of this community college, and I was told it would be harder to be accepted. But as I've found out, nothing is impossible with God. I see God's sovereign plan more clearly now. My dad's job is moving in 2011, and that is the year I am scheduled to graduate, Lord willing.
The Lord really does have a plan for me-it's already being worked out! And He has a plan for you too. No matter what difficulties and challenges you are facing, there is no need to fear because God is working in EVERY situation in your lives.
Heavenly Father, help me to see your sovereignty at all times, even when I don't feel like praising Your name. Help me to rest in You and stop worrying about my life and future. I pray that I would praise You in times of joy and sorrow. Thank you for showing me your love and grace. Great is Your faithfulness!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."~Jer. 29:11
Congratulations! This letter is to inform you that you have been accepted into the Dental Hygiene Program beginning Fall semester, 2009. Our classes commence on Wednesday, September 2. Your projected date of graduation is May 2011. We look forward to welcoming you into the Dental Hygiene Program.
Yes, it happened! Thursday I got a letter from my college, and as I anxiously opened it, I had already prepared myself for the worst. But...I only had to read the first word, "Congratulations", and I went running and screaming to tell everyone the good news. My sisters gave me bewildered expressions as I came hopping in to show my letter, although I'm sure they already knew what I had just found out.
It was very hard waiting to find out the news, but it was so worth the wait! I have to admit that in these past few weeks, I have not trusted God as I should have been. I would toss and turn at night, wondering about my future and what God was doing with it. Instead of "being anxious for nothing", I was scared and worried. Thankfully there were many people (including my family) who were being positive and encouraging. So many dear friends continued to let me know they were praying for my acceptance into the program. I truly believe that this was one of the main reasons I got in.
Even though this was my second time applying, I am not in the same county of this community college, and I was told it would be harder to be accepted. But as I've found out, nothing is impossible with God. I see God's sovereign plan more clearly now. My dad's job is moving in 2011, and that is the year I am scheduled to graduate, Lord willing.
The Lord really does have a plan for me-it's already being worked out! And He has a plan for you too. No matter what difficulties and challenges you are facing, there is no need to fear because God is working in EVERY situation in your lives.
Heavenly Father, help me to see your sovereignty at all times, even when I don't feel like praising Your name. Help me to rest in You and stop worrying about my life and future. I pray that I would praise You in times of joy and sorrow. Thank you for showing me your love and grace. Great is Your faithfulness!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."~Jer. 29:11
Congratulations Sara!! I am so excited for you:)
The Lord can do anything that we ask, if it's His will. How cool!
REJOICING WITH YOU :) :) God is faithful even when we are faithless! What a Mighty God we serve.
Woopee!! I was praying and am so happy for you!
I know, we always fear and prepare ourselves for the worst, don't we?! I don't know why we just can't seem to learn that God has perfect plans in store....
Congrats Sara!
I am also attending community college, and I know how hard it can be to get a spot in any of the health programs. :( Praise the Lord-I was able to get into my health program at the last minute a couple of years ago. Anyway, I'm sure you will do well and have fun!
Congradulations! You want to be a dentist person? interesting.. =P I hate the dentist.. =P
Congratulations Sarah!!! I am NOT surprised! You worked hard, prayed and have sought the LORD's will and so you re'cd the blessing!
I am sooo very happy for you I could burst! You will not only help make shiny smiles..but MORE smiles by your sweet disposition and faith. SHINE ON!
I am SO happy for you!!!!
Such a cute picture ~ Congratulations, sweet Sara!
Oh, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Thanks for your encouragement in this post; I've been struggling with life/college/job decisions lately, and I'm having a hard time trusting God. It's just so hard to hear His voice leading me when my own is drowning it out! His ways are higher than mine, and I know He has my life planned out for me, I just have to learn to rest in Him.
Hey Sara!
I just stumbled across your blog in surfing, but I really like what I see! I'm sure I'll be a regular visitor now. :)
I too am twenty and struggling with choices about school, trusting in God's sovereignty, and trying to decipher His will for my life. Congratulations on getting accepted into your program!
Congratulations Sara! That is very cool to hear! Sometimes it is not our own faith that God is honoring but the faith of friends and family around us that are faithfully praying for us! I am certain that with God's help you will do great! I will pray for your continued success!
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