Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Best. Christmas. Movie. Ever.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Man-to-Man Talk
Ok, I came across this while reading some threads about Pride and Prejudice (you know me and my period dramas) and I thought it was hilarious. It's an imaginary conversation between Darcy and John Thornton (North and South). It's funnny how alike these two are...and how much the women they're in love with have similarities. This is just for fun...hope you enjoy. =)
Fitzwilliam Darcy: “All right?”
John Thornton: “I’ve been better.”
FD: “Hmmm, I know that look. You’ve got woman trouble and I bet I know of just what kind. Don’t tell me. You met a girl with more than the full complement of opinions. You then spent several weeks trying to tell yourself you didn’t like her, in spite of the fact that you were thinking about her all the time and pretty much wanted to – er – marry her without delay. You popped over to share the glad tidings and, instead of being deeply sensible of the honour and sobbing into your shirt front with gratitude, she read you a lecture about your shortcomings and started eyeing the fireirons.”
JT: “That’s exactly what happened – how did you know?”
FD: “Been there, done that, bought the cravat. There’s more. Having trodden her dainty feet all over your heart, I’ll bet the ranch she then made some crack about you being ungentlemanly.”
JT: “Oh yes – I got that off both barrels.”
FD: “Thought so. Me too. Classic ‘get-lost-you-lowlife’ tactic. I take it you exited stage right in a bigger hurry than you arrived?”
JT: “I did.”
FD: “And then your own family started getting on the case and, before you knew where you were, you’d got some funereal old bird giving you the yap about how your bride of choice was, in fact, Satan in petticoats.”
JT: “Yeah, my mother did have one or two things to say on the subject.”
FD: “I had an aunt sticking her beak in. Did your girlfriend get a visit from the old crone?”
JT: “She certainly did.”
FD: “I knew it. And did the light of your life give the old dear a flea for her trouble?”
JT: “Yep. Big time.”
FD: “Your woman-of-choice and mine aren’t sisters by any chance are they? She’s got a load of sisters, I lose count ….”
JT: “Only if her father’s a deceased ex-clergyman. Shame he’s deceased - he was a nice old boy, I really liked him.”
FD: “Not sisters then. My father-in-law is still among us. He’s a good bloke as it goes, but the mother …. don’t get me started.”
JT: “Nightmare?”
FD: “The full ticket to dreadful. All I can say is thank God there are a lot of miles and bad roads between Derbyshire and Hertfordshire. What’s your girlfriend’s old lady like?”
JT: “Dead.”
FD: “Result. How’d you manage that?”
JT: “I polluted the local climate with my factory and it aggravated her consumption. Cost me a fortune in fruit baskets before she finally shuffled off though. Never bought so many flippin’ grapes.”
FD: “So, to recap: you had the offer of your heart callously given the full frosty. I take it you’ve spent the time since being thoroughly miserable and reforming your character?”
JT: “Check on both counts. If you knew how much stew I’ve had to eat in the company of oiks just to impress her.”
FD: “I know the drill. I had to cosy up to my tenants and bribe my housekeeper to spread the word. Believe me, it’ll be worth it in the end - women lap all that stuff up. What you need now is some family crisis that you can sort out on the QT, so you can look heroic but modest with it. I had a stroke of luck in that department. The beloved’s silly cow sister ran off with a total scumbag. I strongarmed the scumbag into doing the decent thing. Cost me a packet but the dream date started to look more favourably on the old suit so it was worth every penny.”
JT: “I’m already sorted on that one thanks. There was some trouble with this girl’s brother. Never met him but he sounds like a bit of a numpty to be honest. Anyway, he landed her with a possible court appearance which made her lip wobble big time. Couldn’t have that, so I put a stop to it.”
FD: “What did she say to that?”
JT: “Not much, although she has stopped lecturing me about my moral duty every time I enter a room, so that’s a step up. I’m going to see her later this morning actually. She wants to lend me 18 grand.”
FD: “18 grand eh? Well, it’s none of my business mate, but I think you might be in there.”
JT: “I dunno. I saw her at dinner last night and she wasn’t very chatty. Looked a bit pink though.”
FD: “Well, play it by ear. See how she is this a.m. Have you got some romantic gesture up your sleeve just in case the moment presents?”
JT: “It’s not up my sleeve, it’s in my waistcoat pocket. I’ve got some roses in there that come from her hometown. She’s completely sentimental about the place.”
FD: “Impressive. If she doesn’t want to snuggle up after that I think you’ll just have to cut your losses.”
JT: “Oh well, better get going – don’t want to be late. Just one thing though …. do you think there’s any truth in the saying that if you want to know what your wife will be like in 20 years, just look at her mother?”
[Long, long pause.]
FD: “Let’s hope, for your sake and mine, that there isn’t.”
Fitzwilliam Darcy: “All right?”
John Thornton: “I’ve been better.”
FD: “Hmmm, I know that look. You’ve got woman trouble and I bet I know of just what kind. Don’t tell me. You met a girl with more than the full complement of opinions. You then spent several weeks trying to tell yourself you didn’t like her, in spite of the fact that you were thinking about her all the time and pretty much wanted to – er – marry her without delay. You popped over to share the glad tidings and, instead of being deeply sensible of the honour and sobbing into your shirt front with gratitude, she read you a lecture about your shortcomings and started eyeing the fireirons.”
JT: “That’s exactly what happened – how did you know?”
FD: “Been there, done that, bought the cravat. There’s more. Having trodden her dainty feet all over your heart, I’ll bet the ranch she then made some crack about you being ungentlemanly.”
JT: “Oh yes – I got that off both barrels.”
FD: “Thought so. Me too. Classic ‘get-lost-you-lowlife’ tactic. I take it you exited stage right in a bigger hurry than you arrived?”
JT: “I did.”
FD: “And then your own family started getting on the case and, before you knew where you were, you’d got some funereal old bird giving you the yap about how your bride of choice was, in fact, Satan in petticoats.”
JT: “Yeah, my mother did have one or two things to say on the subject.”
FD: “I had an aunt sticking her beak in. Did your girlfriend get a visit from the old crone?”
JT: “She certainly did.”
FD: “I knew it. And did the light of your life give the old dear a flea for her trouble?”
JT: “Yep. Big time.”
FD: “Your woman-of-choice and mine aren’t sisters by any chance are they? She’s got a load of sisters, I lose count ….”
JT: “Only if her father’s a deceased ex-clergyman. Shame he’s deceased - he was a nice old boy, I really liked him.”
FD: “Not sisters then. My father-in-law is still among us. He’s a good bloke as it goes, but the mother …. don’t get me started.”
JT: “Nightmare?”
FD: “The full ticket to dreadful. All I can say is thank God there are a lot of miles and bad roads between Derbyshire and Hertfordshire. What’s your girlfriend’s old lady like?”
JT: “Dead.”
FD: “Result. How’d you manage that?”
JT: “I polluted the local climate with my factory and it aggravated her consumption. Cost me a fortune in fruit baskets before she finally shuffled off though. Never bought so many flippin’ grapes.”
FD: “So, to recap: you had the offer of your heart callously given the full frosty. I take it you’ve spent the time since being thoroughly miserable and reforming your character?”
JT: “Check on both counts. If you knew how much stew I’ve had to eat in the company of oiks just to impress her.”
FD: “I know the drill. I had to cosy up to my tenants and bribe my housekeeper to spread the word. Believe me, it’ll be worth it in the end - women lap all that stuff up. What you need now is some family crisis that you can sort out on the QT, so you can look heroic but modest with it. I had a stroke of luck in that department. The beloved’s silly cow sister ran off with a total scumbag. I strongarmed the scumbag into doing the decent thing. Cost me a packet but the dream date started to look more favourably on the old suit so it was worth every penny.”
JT: “I’m already sorted on that one thanks. There was some trouble with this girl’s brother. Never met him but he sounds like a bit of a numpty to be honest. Anyway, he landed her with a possible court appearance which made her lip wobble big time. Couldn’t have that, so I put a stop to it.”
FD: “What did she say to that?”
JT: “Not much, although she has stopped lecturing me about my moral duty every time I enter a room, so that’s a step up. I’m going to see her later this morning actually. She wants to lend me 18 grand.”
FD: “18 grand eh? Well, it’s none of my business mate, but I think you might be in there.”
JT: “I dunno. I saw her at dinner last night and she wasn’t very chatty. Looked a bit pink though.”
FD: “Well, play it by ear. See how she is this a.m. Have you got some romantic gesture up your sleeve just in case the moment presents?”
JT: “It’s not up my sleeve, it’s in my waistcoat pocket. I’ve got some roses in there that come from her hometown. She’s completely sentimental about the place.”
FD: “Impressive. If she doesn’t want to snuggle up after that I think you’ll just have to cut your losses.”
JT: “Oh well, better get going – don’t want to be late. Just one thing though …. do you think there’s any truth in the saying that if you want to know what your wife will be like in 20 years, just look at her mother?”
[Long, long pause.]
FD: “Let’s hope, for your sake and mine, that there isn’t.”
Saturday, November 13, 2010
An Overdue Update
Has it REALLY been since January of this year that I posted?? Wow, I've really become a slacker with this blog. I'm sure hardly anyone ever checks on here anymore, but I'm sorry for those of you who do and never see any new posts! This year has gone by so fast for me. I'm still in the dental hygiene program, and Lord willing,I'll be graduating in 6 months. Can you believe it? I feel like I just started, and I'm already almost done with my 3rd semester in the program. God has really brought me a long way, and I am so amazed at how He has been answering my prayers and calming my nerves this year. So far this has been a very challenging semester--clinic has definitely been alot tougher, but more rewarding as well.
Every time I fail at something I'm always encouraged by a patient, family member, or friend. Today in clinic one of my more challenging patients (as far as treating her) gave me a hug and was so sweet even though I had to see her for about 5 appointments. I'm just so thankful I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel--it's a good reminder to me that God is always faithful with His promises. =)
Besides school, I've been absolutely loving autumn. It's one of my all-time favorite seasons, especially since my two favorite holidays are around this time-Thanksgiving and Christmas (at least the preparation part). And yes, I've already started to listen to my Christmas collection--I know it spoils everything to start so early, but I look forward to it so much I can't wait. =D
I can't promise that I'll become better at posting on here, but I'll try to give more updates. I hope you all have been doing well!!
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:25-34(This has become one of my favorite verses, especially since this semester!)
Every time I fail at something I'm always encouraged by a patient, family member, or friend. Today in clinic one of my more challenging patients (as far as treating her) gave me a hug and was so sweet even though I had to see her for about 5 appointments. I'm just so thankful I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel--it's a good reminder to me that God is always faithful with His promises. =)
Besides school, I've been absolutely loving autumn. It's one of my all-time favorite seasons, especially since my two favorite holidays are around this time-Thanksgiving and Christmas (at least the preparation part). And yes, I've already started to listen to my Christmas collection--I know it spoils everything to start so early, but I look forward to it so much I can't wait. =D
I can't promise that I'll become better at posting on here, but I'll try to give more updates. I hope you all have been doing well!!
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:25-34(This has become one of my favorite verses, especially since this semester!)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Couldn't Resist...
Ok, so I know I said I wouldn't be posting for a little bit, but I saw this cute kitty video and I just couldn't resist sharing it. =)
Friday, January 15, 2010
College Fun....=D
School has started today, and my stress levels are already up! This semester will be so much harder than my last one, especially since I'm seeing patients. Also, I'm taking a statistics Needless to say, I won't be on here for a little while, except to check on blogs. I'm really coveting your prayers--it won't be easy, and I'm so afraid of failing. Well, I want to keep my grades up, so I'm off to start doing some early reading for my classes. If anyone else is taking college classes, let me know so I can be praying for you!
In Christ,
In Christ,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Favorite Female Period Drama Characters
Ok, this might be my last post until I start school again, so I thought I would do a fun post. As you all know, I absolutely love period dramas and fantasy films like Narnia and Lord of the Rings. So I thought I would list 15 of my favorite women characters from certain films and describe what I like about them. If you have the time and you want to, you can do the same by either commenting on this post or writing on your own blog. If you write the list on your own blog, let me know! I'd love to see your responses. And you don't have to do 15...if you can only list 10 or fewer, that's fine. If I have time, I might even be able to do another post about my favorite men from period dramas. =)
Here we go...
1. Margaret Hale from North and South. I had a lot of trouble picking my top favorite female character, but I finally decided on Margaret. She has so many admirable character traits--she is bold, courageous, and not afraid to speak her mind when it came to defending the factory workers in Milton. Also, she is kind, compassionate, and caring, especially toward her parents. When Margaret finds out that a family in the area is financially struggling, she brings food and other necessities to help them. Althougth Margaret is sometimes outspoken and makes mistakes, her motives are pure and she always seeks to do the right thing.
2. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. I almost put Lizzy Bennet as my first choice because I have always admired her. Lizzy is very similar to Miss Hale in that she is bold and is not afraid to tell others what she thinks. She is a bit more witty though and loves sparring with words with Mr. Darcy. Not one to be easily flattered, she does not accept arrogant Mr. Darcy's first proposal even though he is a very wealthy man. While she is rightly prejudiced against him, she readily admits her faults when she realizes how she has mis-judged Darcy and a friend of hers, Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is beautiful and talented, but she never lets these things go to her head and is humble about her accomplishments.
3. Catherine Moorland from Northanger Abbey. Now here is a character I can really relate to! Catherine is an avid reader of novels and naively dreams of being a heroine. When family friends take her to Bath, all her dreams seem to be coming true when she meets the dashing Mr. Tilney. Catherine soon meets the rest of his family and becomes convinced that something mysterious lurks in their past. When visiting at the Tilney's esate, Northanger Abbey, she lets her imagination get the better of her, and makes an accusation that shocks Mr. Tilney. Ashamed and grived that she has upset her friend, Catherine is not surprised when she is turned out of Northanger Abbey and left to find her own way home. Of course she has a happy ending, but what I really enjoy about this character is that she does make mistakes that we all find ourselves making. After reading certain books, I find myself daydreaming and making up my own stories, and that's why I find Catherine so amusing and easy to relate to. I think we've all had instances where we speak before we really think the situation out, and that's exactly what Catherine does. Also, she is is sweet, although easily influenced, but is quick to recognize and turn away from wrong. Whew! I sure had a lot to write for her. =)
4. Molly Gibson from Wives and Daughters. Who doesn't like Molly? She is sweet, amiable, and so tender-hearted. Even when her love interest, Roger Hamley, falls for her step-sister Cynthia, Molly bravely bears it and unselfishly says nothing. Of course, she's not perfect, but Molly is always thinking of others before herself. She also has a deep love and respect for her father.
5. Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. If only I could be more like Elinor! She is so wise and makes fewer mistakes because she keeps her emotions in check, especially when it comes to relationships. She lovingly takes care of her family and tries to protect her younger sister, Marianne, who is the exact opposite.
6. Maid Marian from Robin Hood (BBC America). Ok, so Marian isn't your typical Jane Austen gal and has some flaws in this series, but she's still one of my favorites. She's very brave, fiesty, and fiercely loyal to her country. BBC tries to make her a more modern Marian, like when she almost leaves her home because her father doesn't support her fighting against the Sheriff of Nottingham. Marian stays though, and the relationship she has with her father is strong. She loves him and doesn't join Robin and his gang because she wants to protect him. Marian finds her own ways of helping Robin out, but has to be careful because Guy of Gisbourne (played brilliantly by Richard Armitage) is very interested in her to say the least. Again, she is one of those characters you can relate to more because she makes mistakes which she regrets. Marian is impulsive and has good intentions, but does not always think before she acts. She is willing to give all she has to protect King Richard, even if it means death.
7. Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. When I was younger and watched the 1995 version of this film, Marianne always got on my nerves. But as I got older I appreciated her more. Yes, she's a little childish, but she is very innocent and actually quite naive as well. She wants a passionate, picture-perfect romance, and Willoughby seems like the perfect fit to her. She is another heroine who learns from her mistakes, and in the end she even admits to Elinor that she wishes she showed more discretion like her older sister. I especially like the Marianne in the new adaptation of Sense and Sensibility--she seems more sweet and genuine.
8. Emma from Emma (with Romola Garai). I usually don't like this character--actually, I used to not like her at all. She was more likable in the Gwneth Paltrow version, but I always felt she was such a snob! As you all know, I love the newest version of Emma. Romola Garai brought so much to Emma's character and actually made me like her for the first time. Yes, she could be a snob and very meddlesome, but I could understand more about Emma and why she acted this way because the film presents her background so well. And again, I know I've made mistakes where I've been prejudiced or snobby against a person without really knowing much about them. Emma is so different from Jane Austen's other heroines because she has so many flaws, but at least she admits her faults throughout the film.
9. Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. First of all, the BBC or A&E version of Pride and Prejudice will always be my favorite. Second, I prefer the actress who plays Lizzy in this version much more than Keira Knightley's Elizabeth. But...I do like the actress who plays Jane in the latest Pride and Prejudice. She is so pretty, and she really fits the part for Jane, although the other actress did a fine job too. And who can say anything against Jane? She is so sweet that she never finds fault with anybody, gets along with everyone, and doesn't even get mad at Bingley when he leaves without saying goodbye. She's such a sweetheart-I wish I could be more like her.
10. Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre. I have seen so many versions of this film, and for the most part, I've been able to take away some good from each one. I especially like the newest version (which is where the picture comes from) but I also enjoy the 1983 Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton. Jane is such a complex character, but she is a strong woman despite her difficult background. She stands her ground, even when she is faced with a difficult decision (when Mr. Rochester wants to marry her and she knows she can't). She also appears to be a Christian, based on many of her discussions with Mr. Rochester.
11. Anne from Anne of Green Gables. I've always loved Anne! She always makes me laugh and is constantly getting into some sort of trouble. She's smart and isn't easily flattered by Gilbert Blythe (although to this day I still get mad at her when she doesn't accept his proposal at first!).
12. Esther in Bleak House. I love this character. She is humble and loyal to those she loves, and is very much a mother figure to Ada, the young woman she lives with at Bleak House. I think Esther shows kindness and wisdom to nearly everyone she encounters. She has a troubled past though, and is further confused by Lady Dedlock, a mysterious woman who might be able to give her the answers she's been looking for.
13. Amy Dorrit from Little Dorrit. This is a newer BBC miniseries that I've grown to love. It reminds me a lot of Bleak House (it's also written by Charles Dickens), so if you enjoyed that series, you'll like Little Dorrit. Amy, the main character, and her family live in the Marshalsea, which is a debtor's prison. She is the backbone of the family--she is a hard worker and is the most reliable in her household. Even when her circumstances change, Amy still remains the same, and is as helpful and kind as she was before.
14. Anne Elliot from Persuasion. I enjoy the movie Persuasion, but I don't love it. Maybe I haven't seen an adaptation yet that I truly love. The version with Sally Hawkins is my favorite so far. What I do enjoy about the story is the idea that second chances do happen, even when it doesn't seem possible. Anne is saddened that she was persuaded by her snobbish family not to marry a young man whom she loved. This man is now a wealthy sea captain when he comes back several years later, and Anne feels his sting of rejection as he coldly acknowledges her. Through it all she bears it bravely, and is convinced to show a firmness of character so that she does not make the same mistake again.
15. Arwen Evenstar from Lord of the Rings. I know Lord of the Rings isn't exactly a period drama, but Arwen is one of my favorite literary characters. For those of you not familiar with the story, Arwen is an immortal elf who falls in love with a mortal man, which is a cardinal sin according to the elves. The movies include her much more than the books do, but I'm really glad they did because she is a fascinating character, with, unfortunately, a bittersweet ending. She marries the man she loves, but lives on even after his death.
Here we go...

2. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. I almost put Lizzy Bennet as my first choice because I have always admired her. Lizzy is very similar to Miss Hale in that she is bold and is not afraid to tell others what she thinks. She is a bit more witty though and loves sparring with words with Mr. Darcy. Not one to be easily flattered, she does not accept arrogant Mr. Darcy's first proposal even though he is a very wealthy man. While she is rightly prejudiced against him, she readily admits her faults when she realizes how she has mis-judged Darcy and a friend of hers, Mr. Wickham. Elizabeth is beautiful and talented, but she never lets these things go to her head and is humble about her accomplishments.
3. Catherine Moorland from Northanger Abbey. Now here is a character I can really relate to! Catherine is an avid reader of novels and naively dreams of being a heroine. When family friends take her to Bath, all her dreams seem to be coming true when she meets the dashing Mr. Tilney. Catherine soon meets the rest of his family and becomes convinced that something mysterious lurks in their past. When visiting at the Tilney's esate, Northanger Abbey, she lets her imagination get the better of her, and makes an accusation that shocks Mr. Tilney. Ashamed and grived that she has upset her friend, Catherine is not surprised when she is turned out of Northanger Abbey and left to find her own way home. Of course she has a happy ending, but what I really enjoy about this character is that she does make mistakes that we all find ourselves making. After reading certain books, I find myself daydreaming and making up my own stories, and that's why I find Catherine so amusing and easy to relate to. I think we've all had instances where we speak before we really think the situation out, and that's exactly what Catherine does. Also, she is is sweet, although easily influenced, but is quick to recognize and turn away from wrong. Whew! I sure had a lot to write for her. =)
4. Molly Gibson from Wives and Daughters. Who doesn't like Molly? She is sweet, amiable, and so tender-hearted. Even when her love interest, Roger Hamley, falls for her step-sister Cynthia, Molly bravely bears it and unselfishly says nothing. Of course, she's not perfect, but Molly is always thinking of others before herself. She also has a deep love and respect for her father.

Friday, December 25, 2009
Good Tidings!
And the angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy,
Which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day
In the city of David a Savior,
Which is Christ the Lord,
And this shall be a sign unto you;
You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a manger.
Luke 2:10-12
Earth's joy is small, her mirth is trivial, but heaven has sent us joy immeasurable, fit for immortal minds. Inasmuch as no note if time is appended and no intimation is given that the message will ever be reversed, we may say that it is a lasting joy, a joy which will ring all down the ages, the echoes of which shall be heard until the trumpet brings the resurrection; yes, and onward forever and ever. For when God sent forth the angel in his brightness to say, "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which be to all people," He did as much as say, "From this time forward, it shall be joy to the sons of men; there shall be peace to the human race and goodwill toward men forever and ever, as long as there is glory to God in the highest." What a blessed thought! The Star of Bethlehem shall never set. Jesus, the fairest among ten thousand, the most lovely among the beautiful, is a joy forever.
~Charles Spurgeon
Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy,
Which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day
In the city of David a Savior,
Which is Christ the Lord,
And this shall be a sign unto you;
You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a manger.
Luke 2:10-12
Earth's joy is small, her mirth is trivial, but heaven has sent us joy immeasurable, fit for immortal minds. Inasmuch as no note if time is appended and no intimation is given that the message will ever be reversed, we may say that it is a lasting joy, a joy which will ring all down the ages, the echoes of which shall be heard until the trumpet brings the resurrection; yes, and onward forever and ever. For when God sent forth the angel in his brightness to say, "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which be to all people," He did as much as say, "From this time forward, it shall be joy to the sons of men; there shall be peace to the human race and goodwill toward men forever and ever, as long as there is glory to God in the highest." What a blessed thought! The Star of Bethlehem shall never set. Jesus, the fairest among ten thousand, the most lovely among the beautiful, is a joy forever.
~Charles Spurgeon
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Done...for now
I officially completed my first semester in dental hygiene school! Let me tell you, it was hard! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it past the finals, but God gave me the grace to do it. Now I just need to relax and enjoy the Christmas holidays...I feel like I need to be studying something though, so it's a strange (nice!) feeling. A few days ago we got so much snow--a little over 20 inches I think, so maybe it will stay for Christmas and we'll have a white Christmas after all. Speaking of a white Christmas, I think I'll watch that movie later. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks, and from our snowstorm!
Our Christmas tree
Rachel's sock monkey ornament-she's a huge monkey fan. =)
My White Christmas ornament
Look at that snow!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
So many things to be thankful for--where to begin?
- My family-I love them all so much. =)
- My God, Who has challenged and pushed me a lot these past couple of months. He's made me realize how much I depend on myself, and how much I fail when I do that. Thank you Lord, for being so patient with me!
- My freedom--I really believe that I take this for granted. I was just thinking about all the coutries who don't enjoy the same things I do. Yes, some of our freedoms in America are being compromised, but in comparison to other nations, we are very blessed.
- My schooling. Ok, this was a tough one for me to put on the list. I was just thinking how crazy I was for picking dental hygiene as my major...but once again, some young people in other countries might not have the opportunity I have right now. I really take my schooling for granted--there are others who really desire an education, but can't pursue their dreams.
- My clothing/food/home/job. These are the little things I KNOW I take for granted each and every day. I find myself complaining that I need new clothes, but in reality, I have more than enough. And food...another biggie that I don't always appreciate. And I'm really blessed to have a job right now, even though I'm only working 1 or 2 days a week.
- Finally, I'm thankful for all of you. You know who you are. =) Oh yes, and I'm extremely thankful for my 5 day break from classes...I've been needing this break for awhile now!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
'Tis the Season
Well, I've done it again. I said I wouldn't, but I just couldn't resist. Another year has come and yet again I've pulled out my Christmas music before Thanksgiving. Actually, I started way back in October, just because I love Christmas music that much. =) It's my favorite holiday, and Thanksgiving follows pretty close after it. Just out of curiosity--does anyone else besides me listen to Christmas music early? I hope I'm not the only one. I think this music is therapeutic for helps calm me when I'm studying the anatomy of teeth. =D
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